Firefighters Free Deer Stuck in Metal Gate

2014-06-07 admin 35

Firefighters in the southwest Washington community of Ridgefield were called to free a deer who stuck in metal gate. They used a hydraulic rescue tool to free hers who got stuck between the bars of a home's metal gate.

On Tuesday, Homeowner Tonya Snyder shooed some deer away from apples in her yard. But one of them got wedged between the vertical metal bars of an automatic gate.

Unfortunately, no any police officers or country animal control and state department of fise and wildlifewere nearby to help when it happened.

Snyder says a call to the fire department brought firefighter-paramedic Dave Bridges, who spread the gate bars with a tool particularly used to free people wedged in crumpled cars after traffic accident. The deer suffered some scrapes but bounded away.

Dawdy says that the firefighters were very delighted that they have saved the deer safely.